M a r i e
O s m o n d
T u r n s
T o
N u t r i S y s t e m
& Loses
lbs !
One of America's favorite sweethearts discovers the secret
that millions have used to lose weight and look gorgeous
A s a m o th e r o f e ig h t children, su cce ssfu l
b u sin e s s w o m a n , a n d m e m b e r o f A m e ric a 's
m o st fa m o u s e n te rta in m e n t fam ily, M a rie
fo u n d h e rse lf fig h tin g a lo sin g b a ttle w ith
h e r w e ig h t. Like m a n y o f us, th e c o n sta n t
b attle b e tw e e n fa m ily a n d w o r k created
stre ss a n d d istra c tio n s th a t k e p t h e r fro m
liv in g
th e
h e a lth y
sh e
d e s p e ra te ly
w a n te d . B u t o n e d a y sh e re alize d th a t sh e
n e e d e d to ta k e control. S h e d id h e r research
a n d fo u n d N u triS y ste m to be th e p erfect
so lu tio n fo r her.
I gotta he honest. 1 was overweight and out of
shape. I didn’t feci good. I was tired. My joints
ached. My confidence was down.
Like so many of you. I was unhappy about
how I looked and how I felt. I knew I was
getting older but 1 didn't want to
As you may have heard. I’ve had a pretty
stressful year. But one of the best things that
happened to me was the NutriSystem® weight
loss program.
NutriSystem Got Me Back On Track
Talk about stress. I lerc I am. a single mom
managing a career. It was very easy to put on
a few pounds here and a few pounds there.
Sometimes life just gels you off track—and
before you know it. you're
pounds heavier.
Well. NutriSystem got me back on track. If you
are busy.
..this is the perfect program for you.
Hey. I don't have time to drive to some center.
Then stand in front of strangers and weigh in.
Why should I pay someone to read a scale
for me?
Trust me. When you have eight kids and a
busy career, you need a lot of patience. What I
didn’t need was a lot of work. Which is why
chose NutriSystem. Most of the meals take less
than two minutes to prepare and I don’t have to
count calories or points or anything.
Wow! I Feel So Healthy
My first goal was to be healthy. But as a
woman 1 love having a small waistline and an
even smaller backside. And I have to admit,
thanks to NutriSystem. I have both.
Look. NutriSystem® Advanced™ is their
healthiest, easiest, tastiest program ever. It’s
heart-healthy and helps control cravings while
you lose weight, too.
The foods taste amazing! Their pastas, pizza
and pancakes are just delicious. And oh my
..the Chocolate Raspberry Bar is
And on NutriSystem you get to eat five times
a day so you don't feel hungry and it's
affordable loo!
Even My Daughter Said
I Was
"H ottie"
I admit it. I love to get compliments. It
makes me feel good to hear that I look great.
But I have to tell you that the best
compliment I received was from my
old daughter. The other day she looked at me
with her beautiful eyes and said, “Wow, mom.
You look great. I think you are a hottie!*’
Here's the Secret
NutriSystem makes it effortless to lose weight.
They even deliver all of your meals right to your
door. How’s that for convenient?
Plus! It's based on the Glyccmic Index, so you
get “good curbs’’ and can eat your favorite
foods —like pizza!
I'm N ot the Only Osmond
on the Program
A few months ago, my brothers came out to
visit me in LA when I was dancing.They
couldn't believe how much weight I’d lost,so I
got Jimmy. Jay and Merrill on the program. And
they are all starting to look and feel better, too!
I Want to Be Around to See
My Children's Children
My mom passed away. She had heart
disease —the number one killer of women in
this country. Being overweight is a huge
contributor to the disease and quite frankly. I
w'as scared about my own health.
Then one day my son said. “Mom. I want you
to be around for a long time, so you can be
grandma to my kids.” Being a grandma is very
important to me. I remember holding my kids
when they were babies. And I want to hold my
babies' babies, too!
is my new favorite number
pounds6 in my
s. I lost weight. You can. too!
My Family Is So Proud o f Me
Losing weight may not make me a better
mom. But it does make me a happier mom. As
women, we spend a lot of time caring for
everyone else but spend zero time for ourselves.
I finally did something great for me.
..so 1 could
do something great for my family.
Now I Have So Much Energy,
I Can Accomplish Anything!
feel better. 1 feel younger. I haven't had this
kind of energy in at least
years. They say you
can't turn back time. Well, look at me and say
that. Because I say you CAN.
I feel like getting out and rock climbing and
..and doing things 1 love doing but didn’t
because 1 was overweight.
Can Get
the Life You Want
I know what it’s like to be overweight. I know
what it’s like when life gets the better of you. I
know how stress and personal tragedy can
impact your self-esteem and your health.
But now' I know that being overweight is not
something you just have to accept as you get
older. I know you can change everything, you
can lose weight, and you can do it w
ithout pills,
in a safe, healthy way. Don't wait another day.
Trust me. you will lose weight.
“ Y o u g e t
t o
e a t f i v e
t i m e s a d a y
a n d y o u
lo s e w e i g h t .
m e a n
l o o k a t m e — l h a v e
a w a i s t l i n e a g a i n ! ”
M a r i e O s m o n d
S e l e c t t h e N u t r i S y s t e m A d v a n c e d
2 8
- D a y A u t o - D e l i v e r y P r o g r a m
a n d y o u c a n g e t a n a d d i t i o n a l
F R E E !*
Just call
1-8 7 7 -8 16 -D IE T (34 38 )
or visit
nutrisystem .com /3m onths
to get started today!
Please use prom o code
5 0 8
fOffer good on Auto-Delivery order only. Free shipping to Continental U.S.
only. One additional free week of food will be included with each of your
first three deliveries. With Auto-Delivery, you ore automatically charged and
shipped your
-Day program once every
weeks unless you cancel. You can
cancel Auto-Delivery at any time by calling I -
-THIN®. However for
this offer you must stay on Auto Delivery for at least three consecutive
-Day program deliveries to receive all three free weeks of food. Other
restrictions apply. Call or see website for details. Cannot be combined with any
prior or current discount or offer, limit one offer per customer.
NutriSystem, Inc. All rights reserved.
"Results not typical.
On N utriS ystem , you a d d -in fresh fru it, vegetables, salads and d a iry item s.
n u t r i s y s t e m
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